Sunday, January 11, 2009

The eve of my last first day of college.

So school starts tomorrow. I am a little bit terrified. I have my bag all packed, my pencils sharpened and my clothes in the washer. All I need is to wake up on time to go to my first class at 9:10 am. This sounds like an easy task, but for the last week, Andy and I have set alarms to wake up at 8:00 am and still every morning, we have woken up later than 11 am. This is a problem. 

On the buying new things front, we got a new vacuum. I really like this one. It actually sucks. Which is a favorable quality in a vacuum. After vacuuming the front room, the container was full of cat hair. It goes to show how badly our other vacuums didn't suck. 

Also today, I got the most unexpected surprise from my parents. They called and told me that they were 10 minutes from Greeley and that they were coming by. It was great to see them, and lucky that I was able to hang out. We went out to dinner and then they headed back down to parker. 

Other than that, I am just getting ready for school to start and hoping that this will be a good semester. 

Also, I need to go to metro to submit my stuff so I can take my correspondence course so I can graduate. I would be mad if that didn't go through in time. I think we are gonna go down to Denver tomorrow to do that...

Anyway, I will keep you updated on how my first day goes. Luckily it's only my history class. Tuesday will be my first big day. I have class straight through from 9:30 am to 7:00 pm. We'll see how that goes. 

Keep reading, I swear this will get interesting eventually. 
Sending my love to Grandpa for a speedy recovery!
