Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wake-up call

I have just received the wake-up call of a lifetime. Now before I get into this I must say that I know that I am overweight. I also know that I have gained a significant amount of weight in the last 3 years. I am not saying that I didn't see this coming, I am saying that I didn't realize how bad it has gotten until just now. 
When I started college, I weighed roughly 190lbs. I was criticized for being fat but honestly I felt healthy. I knew I wasn't in the best shape of my life, but I was happy with myself. Since then, I have gained a lot of weight. (for privacy purposes I won't say exactly how much) I know my clothes are tighter and I could feel things getting bigger, but I didn't really notice because in my head, and when i look in the mirror, I see me, at 190lbs. What's funny is there is actually a term for this, but it is generally used in terms of people who suffer from Anorexia Nervosa. Its called Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Again, don't think I am a hypochondriac that likes to diagnose myself, but I really see a different body when I look in the mirror. It is not until photos that I realize that I do not look like what I think I look like. Because of this, I don't think I have realized exactly how much weight I have gained. Here is photo comparison. 

What I think I look like (High School Grad 5/2005)Photobucket

What I do look like (College Grad 5/2009)Photobucket
I am shocked. Why did no one tell me? I really had no idea until I just looked at this picture. I have thought about applying for the biggest loser before, but truly after seeing this, I will absolutely be applying. I can't 
believe I let it go this far. I am in shock.