Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am on my way

So I did it. I graduated. Now, unfortunately, I just have to finish school before I can get my diploma. Sounds funny right? Well I had a class transferring fiasco, so I have to take the class I already took elsewhere, and retake it a unc. Unfortunately that means I won't get my diploma till august, but I walked on saturday. oh well. I still feel very accomplished. So many of you, like 2 people, who read this, may be asking yourselves "What's next for Jess" Well, I think that I shall enlighten you. 

So while I (almost) have a bachelors degree, it is kind of in nothing... its in "Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts with an Earth Science Emphasis and a minor in Reading". WOW what a mouthful! Anyway, this really qualifies me for nothing. I can, however, and will choose to use it to become a teacher. It gets me 90% of the way to that, so thats good. Unfortunately, in order to become a teacher, you have to have a license. This I have not. I could have continued at UNC for another 2 years and possibly gotten it, but to be frank, (who is this Frank character everyone references when they decide to be straightforward about something? can't we just say " this is what I am saying because I am a straightforward person, and not have to blame it on Frank?..... back on topic) where was I... oh! I didn't have the patience or drive to really keep working for another 2 years. SO I decided to peace out after 4, earning a baloney of a degree, in order to pursue my real passion in life! Unemployment! 

just joking...

not about the unemployed part... but about that being my dream. I am not Claire for goodness sake. 

So I am looking at a few options. They will be called option 1 and option b. 

Option 1. I could (and will) apply for my Alternative License Statement of Eligibility in August, when I get that piece of paper declaring me smart. This will allow me to look for a real teaching job under the pretenses that I will earn my license in the first year that I am teaching. 
PROS: I get to teach. I get paid. 
CONS: I am less qualified. I don't feel qualified. 
So this option allows me to jump in head first without training, and kinda "learn as I go". This is a great option, financially. But as far as my readyness to do it go, its a nogo. I have taken teaching courses, but I have never been in a live classroom. ergo, I will walk in the first day and probably be the first kid to pee their pants. 

Option b. I could (and will) apply for the Post-Baccalaureate program at UNC to obtain a license. This would entail going back to school full time for one whole year, 3 semesters, and emerging with experience teaching and a license. I would get the experience in the classroom to make me feel comfortable, and I would have a license. 
PROS: Pretty much what I just said. Confidence and License. Could defer student loans :) Masters degree :)
CONS: opposed to getting paid, I have to pay. 
So this option will allow me to feel prepared and really learn how to be an effective teacher, while getting me half way to a Masters of Education in Elementary education, which in the long run earns me about 10,000 more a year. 

So this is what I am trying to decide. at this point, I am gonna try for both, see which one bites first. I have pretty well ruled out fall hire, unless someone dies unexpectedly, so maybe a spring hire (again due to sudden death, or pregnancy) would be a good plan. 

Its kinda nice to lay it all out there, so I can really assess my options. 

OH as for the year of unemployment ahead of me. Well goodness I have applications out everywhere. I am looking at preschool teaching, working as a school assistant or school secretary, a bank teller, an administrative assistant, prostitute, everything and anything I can think of. If you know of anyone hiring in the greater denver/noco area, let me know. 

Until next time, I leave you to ponder my future. As for right now, its really uncertain. But isn't life always?